PowerSafe Generation Proctored

Course Information

PowerSafe Generation Proctored is a two-hour proctored computer-based safety program that provides a broad, general safety orientation for the utility workforce in power-generating facilities.

The program was developed through a collaborative effort between various industry representatives to ensure that a standard level of safety awareness is reached.


Recommended For

All utility construction and contracted maintenance and services personnel who will be working at power-generating facilities.


Course Content

This course includes discussion of the following topics:

  • General Safety Rules
  • Housekeeping
  • Vehicle Safety
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Hearing Conservation
  • Hazard Communication
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Heat Stress
  • Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis
  • Basic Electrical Work Practices
  • Hand and Power Tools
  • Elevated Work
  • Confined Space

NOTE: Additional Owner-specific courses may be required. Please refer to your contract or your utility onsite contact for further training requirements.


  • Computer training

    $80 Member / $85 Non-Member

  • Classroom instruction

    Not available for classroom instruction.


Course Details

Course Code: 12PSGENP
Course Length (approx.): 120 Minutes plus Test
Course Expiration: 1 Year from Class Date
Passing Score Required: 80 %
Retakes Allowed: Yes, but must pay for each retake
Language: English
Reader Assistance Allowed: Yes, with proven disability
ID Requirements: Students must present a valid (not expired) U.S. State or Federal ID with photo and Social Security card if number is not on the ID


Valid ARSC Card (BOP/BOPR): No
Social Security Verification (SSV): Yes


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